definition: neuropathy
is a disease which is associated with the inflammation of the nerves caused by
damage to the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. If you ask the doctor “what
is neuropathy” he will answer you that this is a condition under which
inflammation of the nerves presents. In it turn such inflammation may appear
due to several factors. They include metabolic problems, some diseases and
traumatic injuries to the nerves. It is important to add that some medications
which person use for treating other health problems may cause the appearing of
the neuropathy due to their side effects.
What is peripheral
neuropathy? This
question is also worth of answering. In fact, very often people use terms
“neuropathy” and “peripheral neuropathy” as synonyms. Look at the following
definition and you will understand. Peripheral neuropathy is a condition under
which nerves of the peripheral nervous system are damaged. This disease may be
caused by trauma, injuries, and some diseases. Side-effects of systemic illness
may also be considered as possible causes of peripheral neuropathy. This
definition is common for lots of dictionaries.
In order to get more information
within learning “what is neuropathy” it is worth to know that there exist
different types of it. General classification of this disease divides it into
three types: mononeuropathy (when a single nerve is affected), multiply
monomeuropathy (several nerves are individually affected) and polyneuropathy
(generalized involvement of peripheral nerves).
The other classification of
neuropathy may take the criterion of the type of onset as the base. In this
case types of this disease may be the next: acute (hours or days), subacute
(several weeks or a couple of months) and chronic (from several months to
years). The other type of classification of this disease may be called
functional one. According to the functional classification it is possible to
distinguish the next types of neuropathy: motor, sensory, autonomic and mixed.
In spite of the fact that the modern
medicine makes a great step in progress comparing with the previous century,
unfortunately in 30% of the disease neuropathy causes
are unknown. Such cases are usually called idiopathic. One of the most widely
spread reasons which may cause this condition is diabetes. About half of people
who suffer from diabetes develop some type of neuropathy. Some other neuropathy causes include trauma of nerves, pressure
on them, lack of vitamins (especially B vitamins), some other nutritional
problems like poor dietary habits, excessive usage of alcohol, several
autoimmune diseases such as arthritis (its rheumatoid type) or lupus, tumors,
inherited disorders, some infections and other health problems like kidney
and/or liver diseases, Lyme disease, AIDS, HIV.
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